Orange Shoe Personal Trainers

Margo Mashinter

Margo Mashinter

ACE PT and Nutrition | Fitness Professional

Personal Training Waunakee


I am originally from the Janesville area, graduated from UW-Madison in spring of 2020 with a BA in Spanish, and have been an ACE certified personal trainer since I was 19. Since beginning my training career, I have also become an ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialist and Functional Training Specialist, and am currently working on becoming an ISSA Exercise Recovery Specialist! When I’m not coaching, I am either powerlifting, or spending time with my fiancé Josh and our three dogs. My focus in fitness and coaching is pain free movement, building a well rounded strength balance with an emphasis on postural support, and re-learning how to move for the most longevity possible in general life and fitness goals!

Q & A

Q: Why did you become a personal trainer?

A: I became a personal trainer at 19 because as a 14 year old, I changed my health around by myself after witnessing a family member pass due to poor health.

Q: What has been one of your favorite client experiences?

A: One of my favorite client experiences is helping a client who had back pain for years finally start to be able to move and live pain free!

Q: What is your proudest physical achievement?

A: My proudest physical achievement is recovering from a car accident injury and going from not being able to hold 10 pounds without pain, to deadlifting 295 pounds in 10 months!

Q: Why do you love Orange Shoe?

A: I love Orange Shoe because it has always been my belief and my practice that clients come first, and OS is a community that cares for clients, each other, and the constantly strengthening team!