Orange Shoe Personal Trainers

Breana Bennett

Breana Bennett

ACE, PN | Fitness Professional

Madison Area Trainers


"Bre graduated Madison College with an Associates in Applied Sciences in Fitness & Recreation Management and holds three certifications from nationally recognized organizations. (1) Level 1 Precision Nutritionist, (2) ACE Group Fitness Instructor, (3) ACE Personal Trainer. Bre has a sports background of dance, softball, and BMX racing. Currently Bre's main interests and hobbies include Muay Thai, outdoor sports such as hunting, and reading. She strongly believes anyone can reach their goals with a good attitude and consistency."

Q & A

Q: Why did you become a personal trainer?

A: I became a personal trainer because throughout my life I always wanted to create a positive change within people's lives. I believe that change is possible with the right influence and mind set.

Q: What has been one of your favorite client experiences?

A: This will be my first personal training job and I am excited to create a lasting bond with each of my clients and help them progress within their fitness journeys.

Q: What is your proudest physical achievement?

A: I would say my proudest physical (and mental) achievement is staying consistent with my workout routine even though life can be crazy! A fitness goal I currently have is to start seriously training Muay Thai.

Q: Why do you love Orange Shoe?

A: I love Orange shoe because it provides the atmosphere and community aspect that I thrive in! I feel that I learn better and can instruct better when I have the freedom to make a personal connection with others.