Orange Shoe Personal Trainers

Ryan Taplick

Ryan Taplick

Fitness Professional

University Ave. Madison Fitness training


Ryan grew up in Oregon, WI where he played soccer and basketball throughout his childhood and high school career. He began weightlifting in high school through the basketball program and the relationships that he built with his strength coaches is what laid the foundation for his passion for training. He enjoys playing various intramural sports recreationally with his friends. Currently he is finishing his bachelor's degree in Kinesiology at UW-Madison and is working to obtain his Strength and Conditioning certification through the NSCA. Ryan plans to go on to physical therapy school after completing his degree. His interest in the human body and how it can adapt to training is what created his interest in personal training.

Q & A

Q: Why did you become a personal trainer?

A: When I was in high school I decided to really take weight training seriously. After about 4 months of training I was amazed at how much progress I had already made. This experience of achieving my goals created a interest in wanting to help others strive to set and achieve their own personal fitness goals.

Q: What has been one of your favorite client experiences?

A: It's difficult to narrow it down to one specific experience, but seeing clients not only achieve their goals but go well beyond and achieve things that they never thought they were capable of will always be one of my favorite things to see.

Q: What is your proudest physical achievement?

A: My goal ever since I started weight training has been to gain weight through muscle mass. Being able to physically see myself getting bigger and increasing the weight that I lift has definitely been my proudest physical achievement.

Q: Why do you love Orange Shoe?

A: I love Orange Shoe because of the personalized experience and tight knit community that it creates. Everyone is so supportive of each others fitness and everyday life goals. It creates a fantastic environment to work and work out in!